This blog follows the activities of a small library in Sembungan village, located on the outskirts of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The library was established by the artist collective Taring Padi near the end of 2007, following their purchase of land after losing their previous home in the devastating earthquake in Yogyakarta in May, 2006. Since January, 2008, I have been actively involved with the activities in the library, coordinating a weekly children's creative English class, organizing and cataloguing books, and acting as liaison between Taring Padi and a school community in Seattle, Washington, who have been donating used children's books and money for the development of the library. The aim of this blog is not only to update those outside of Indonesia on the activities happening in the library, but also to offer a glimpse into the lives and culture of a unique community of children.
a view of Sembungan Village from the Taring Padi gallery
Independence Day Painting Competition, August 17 2008
Semua Bersaudara (One Family), Taring Padi woodblock print, 2002
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